grandmother Assisted Living Communities

Assisted Living Communities are a great option when a little extra care is needed. Typically, they provide assistance with bathing, meals, medication management and most activities of daily living. Most of the Assisted Living Communities can help with as little or as much care as you may need. Some of these communities have a memory unit as well.

When we had to discharge Mom from the hospital, Custom Senior Care was there for us. We appreciated the time and effort they spent with us to make her move a success.
— Chuck R.

Typically, a Skilled Nursing Home would be the next step if an Assisted Living Community is not able to meet the needs of the resident. We will be able to help you with that assessment. All of these communities range in locations, size and services. Prices will range based on the amount of care required. To receive more information, please fill out the form to the right and we will contact you to further assist you with more information.